Dear Ursula;
Due to privacy issues I am unable to supply patient names or emails to you. But, there is a new discussion forum on the internet that has been set up for this very purpose.
> Here is the group's description:
> For grads of Dr. Huang's OEGC transplant procedure. Topics: cord injury / SCI /
> ALS / amyotrophic lateral sclerosis / motor neurone disease / Lou Gherig's /
> physical therapy & rehabilitation / insurance-Medicare strategies / BuNaGao /
> stem cells & related. (c) 2005 Beijing-OEGC Group.
> Visit this group on the web by using this URL:
Due to privacy issues I am unable to supply patient names or emails to you. But, there is a new discussion forum on the internet that has been set up for this very purpose.
> Here is the group's description:
> For grads of Dr. Huang's OEGC transplant procedure. Topics: cord injury / SCI /
> ALS / amyotrophic lateral sclerosis / motor neurone disease / Lou Gherig's /
> physical therapy & rehabilitation / insurance-Medicare strategies / BuNaGao /
> stem cells & related. (c) 2005 Beijing-OEGC Group.
> Visit this group on the web by using this URL: